“What is Life-Force?” – With Patricia Mackrell

Come and discover ways to connect and flow with the life-force that is infinite and healthful, with Mindful

Movement of Infinite Tai Chi – to energize, uplift and strengthen; Nia Holistic Fitness – The Conscious Dance, where we play, sense and move “The Body’s Way”; Discover the Healing Energetics of Foods with Macrobiotics, i.e. A guide to understanding The Bigger Life and how by feeding ourselves with wholesome foods we ingest more life-force and further our evolution in more healthful way.

Patricia trained in Natural Nutrition, Naturopathy, Wholefood Cooking, as well as the holistic movement practices of the Infinite Arts, with Jason Chan, along with Nia Technique – a fusion fitness that guides the body towards self-healing. She was inspired to study all of these practices for her own recovery from a severe health condition and continues to learn and grow on all levels and shares these practices with others, through classes, playshops, demos, talks, presentations and events.

Price: £4 for F.H.T members     £6 for non-members

Please book as there are limited spaces:

Email: dee@greenhousetherapies.co.uk                 

Phone: 01244 637851

For more information about the F.H.T meeting visit https://www.greenhousetherapies.co.uk/f-h-t-monthly-talk/

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