Although aimed at people with no prior knowledge, Reflexologists will find their knowledge an advantage.
The benefit for Reflexologists is to gain a deeper understanding of the way emotional aspects and personalities are reflected on their clients’ feet.
This knowledge can be used therapeutically by those with counselling skills or can be used to interest potential clients into learning more about what their feet can tell them in terms of health or emotional issues.
– The day will be very intense yet fun.
– Attendees need to bring a pen, paper and easily removable footwear.
– Wet wipes will come in handy.
– The aim of the day is to teach techniques to enable the reading of emotions and personality from the feet. The theory given will allow them to extrapolate and arrive at an answer even when they are presented with something they haven’t seen before.
How you feel about your feet.
Size, width and length of feet
Line from little toe to big toe
Individual meanings of the toes and how this is applied to the vertical zones
Colour of the skin
Gaps between toes
Webbed toes
Temperature of the feet
Skin and related imbalances
Nails and related imbalances
Meanings of toe shapes
Sequence of a treatment
How to handle a tearful reaction
Applying the knowledge learned by giving a foot reading
– If there is a particular query about something they have seen on a foot, attendees are asked to bring a good, clear photograph approx. A4 to share with the group.
– Questions encouraged throughout the day rather than the end.
This workshop aims to allow those who have already attended the Solestry – The Art of Foot Reading seminar to practice their new found knowledge in a supportive environment with an experienced foot reader on hand to answer any questions that arise from the readings.
Some attend this seminar the day after attending the theory seminar and some people attend much later – after practicing their skills to fill their recognised gaps in their knowledge.
This a practical Workshop day
– As we can’t anticipate what “feet” will show up on the day, a selection of slides have been prepared to cover everything you will probably ever encounter.
– The day will begin with an exercise to explain foot reading (a refresher), and an exercise to gain new business, and then the rest of the day will be spent reading each other’s feet and reporting back to the group the surprise findings.
– And Yes! You can bring and refer to your notes and your books.
– This is your opportunity to practice and improve your skills.
– If there is a particular query about something you have seen on a foot, attendees are asked to bring a good, clear photograph of about A4 size to share with the group.
The workshop often has rather an unusual side-effect:
You will be reading each others feet and swapping partners throughout the day. There’ll be feedback about how to deliver information, how to release emotional blockages and general coaching skills.
Consequently, each reading you receive will be sending you on your own personal journey of discovery- as well as giving you ideas about how to do the foot readings effectively. People look very different at the end of the day–more present and more vital.
Be prepared for a very interactive day!
The following books by Jane Sheehan will be on sale at the Workshops together with inspiration cards:
“Let’s Read Our Feet!”
“The Foot Reading Coach” and
“Sole Trader: The Holistic Therapy Business Handbook”
Greenhouse Therapies Holistic Therapies & Sports Massage Training VTCT Accredited Training Centre, 40 Parkgate Road, Chester CH14AJ Tel 01244 637851 Providing Holistic, Complementary, Alternative Therapies, Massage Therapy and Reiki Training Courses at Introductory, Accredited and Professional levels.