KT1 Fundamental Concepts, Screening/Muscle Test, & Muscle Applications
KT2 Advanced Concepts & Corrective Techniques
KT3 Sports Injuries
COST £250-00 plus vat
BOOKING IS DIRECTLY THROUGH Kinesio Taping where you will find course details.

The Official UK Kinesio® Taping Method
With over 25 years of research, development and clinical use, the Kinesio® Taping Method is recognized as an innovative and highly effective modality for treating sport injuries and aiding lymphoedema reduction. Endorsed and developed by Dr Kenzo Kase, Kinesio® Tex Tape is the only recommended elastic adhesive tape for the Kinesio® Taping Method. As the official Kinesio® representative for the UK & Ireland, we are dedicated to providing practitioners with the most up-to-date research and authorised training for Kinesio® Taping available through the International Kinesio Taping Association.

Why Take an Approved Kinesio Taping Course?
In order for practitioners to receive the best training and to be certified by the Kinesio Taping Association, courses should only be booked through a Kinesio authorised training provider or via the Kinesio UK website.
By taking an authorised Kinesio Taping Course, practitioners receive the most up-to-date instruction on the Kinesio Taping Method. The Kinesio Taping Method is at the forefront of fascial, lymphatic, and muscle research and benefits from continuous input from research bodies throughout the world.
The advancements in the Kinesio Taping method make it imperative that attendees receive training from an official Kinesio Instructor. Our highly qualified, certified and experienced instructors have gone through extensive training programs to provide practitioners with the best possible teaching on our courses.
The Kinesio Taping Association is an international organisation and regulates the teaching of Kinesio courses worldwide. This ensures that each course meets the highest training standards and that trained practitioners receive certification which is recognised worldwide.
Each of our courses follows a specific curriculum set by the Kinesio Taping Association. This curriculum has been developed through 30 years of taping experience and is endorsed by the founder of the Kinesio Taping Method, Dr. Kenzo Kase. The curriculum gives practitioners a standardised number of hours with the instructor to ensure they get the comprehensive training needed to achieve the best results.
Once practitioners have completed the necessary number of hours, they can attain certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner status. Please note that only the Kinesio Taping Association can certify Kinesio Practitioners – another reason to ensure that you attend an approved Kinesio course.

Kinesio UK run a variety of Kinesio Taping® courses. Courses run for one, two or three days and are held in various locations across the UK and Ireland.
Greenhouse Therapies of CHESTER run frequent courses at all levels.
There are 3 Main Course Levels – KT1, KT2 and KT3 plus Instructor Training.
The Kinesio Taping Association advise that courses should be taken as a KT1 and 2 (two day) course, followed by a KT3 course at a later date. This is to ensure that practitioners get enough practice with Kinesio Tape prior to completing the advanced KT3 course.
Kinesio courses are suitable for a variety of practitioners including, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, sport massage therapists and lymphoedema specialists.
KT1-One day course-Open to everyone (A basic knowledge of muscles is required)The KT1 course introduces practitioners to the Kinesio Taping® Method. During the 8 hours of this course, the fundamental concepts of Kinesio Taping® will be discussed and practitioners will learn the basic taping methods using Kinesio Tex Tape®. Attendees will be given ample time to practice KT methods in order to enhance your skills. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to apply the Kinesio Taping® Method to relax overuse syndromes, stimulate weak muscles and decrease pain and swelling.
KT2-One day course-Practitioners only (KT1 required)The KT2 course consists of advanced concepts and corrective techniques, building on the material learnt in KT1. During this course, attendees will learn about the six corrective techniques (Mechanical, Functional, Space, Fascia, Ligament/Tendon, and Lymphatic) and discuss their applications. Again, attendees will have plenty of time to practice applying these techniques. Upon completion of this course, practitioners will be able to discuss and apply the KT method to orthopaedic and neurological conditions. Under new KTA guidelines, practitioners will become certified after completing KT1 and KT2.
KT3-Two day course-Practitioners only (KT1 and 2 required)The KT3 course can be addressed to specific professions and clinical conditions such as Sports Medicine, Lymphoedema, Paediatrics and Hand Therapy. This advanced course allows practitioners to further develop their skills in their specific area of interest. KT3 can also be a refresher course.
COST £250-00 plus vat
BOOKING IS DIRECTLY THROUGH Kinesio Taping where you will find course details

Greenhouse Therapies Holistic Therapies & Training VTCT Accredited Centre,
40 Parkgate Road,Chester CH14AJ
Tel 01244 637851
Greenhouse Therapies Holistic Therapies & Sports Massage Training
VTCT Accredited Training Centre,
40 Parkgate Road, Chester CH14AJ Tel 01244 637851
Providing Holistic, Complementary, Alternative Therapies, Massage Therapy and Reiki Training Courses at Introductory, Accredited and Professional levels.