Local Support Group Coordinator : Dee Kelsall
Dee Kelsall is a volunteer co-ordinator for the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT). She organizes monthly meetings at Greenhouse therapies on the last Friday of every month.
Upcoming F.H.T talks hosted by Greenhouse Therapies
A typical evening…
Although every meeting is different, they usually begin with the group Coordinator distributing information from FHT about local and national events which may be of interest to members. This is a great opportunity for you to raise any queries you may have. If the Coordinators can’t answer these personally, they will forward your query to FHT and then pass our response back to you.
The next 90 or so minutes will often be a presentation from a guest speaker. Finally, there will be time for questions and finishing with a chance to network with your peers over drinks. The evenings always promise to be good value for money, informative, and most of all, fun.
5 reasons for attending:
- Local support and education
- Networking with others
- Dispelling feelings of isolation
- A local and inexpensive way of earning CPD points
- Sharing ideas and skills with other practitioners
- How often are meetings held?
We offer a minimum of 5 meetings a year.
They will normally be held on a fixed night of the week (or possibly during the day at a weekend) and a calendar of events is produced twice a year to let you know the events your group has planned.

Events and talks are open to everyone; FHT members, members of other therapy associations and the general public.
Many of the talks lead on to full day or weekend workshops for those wishing to take certain subjects a little further.
The entrance fee for each of the talks is now £4-00 for FHT members and £6-00 for non members.
See what is coming up in Chester FHT Group …a Calendar of Events in PDF format
I would like to join the FHT (opens in Pop up window)
See what is coming up in Chester FHT Group – a Calendar of Events in PDF format:

Local Support leaflet Chester events Contact Dee for Updates
Greenhouse Therapies 40 Parkgate Road, Chester. CH14AJ VTCT Accredited Training Centre Courses at Introductory, Accredited and Professional levels Holistic Complementary Alternative Therapies Sports Massage Physical and Reiki Training